curb chain making machines

Automatic high speed machine for the production of cable and curb chain right and left
The new electronic plier OMBI patented pending − controlled by a brushless motor − allows to easily switch from cable chain to curb right and left and vice versa.

Automatic high-speed machine for the production of cable and curb chain right and left
Cable and curb chains can be produced in both single and double version.

Automatic machine for the production of double and triple spike chain
Spike chain can be produced in both double or triple version. Moreover, thanks to the new electronic plier OMBI patented pending − controlled by a brushless motor – it is now possible to easily switch from curb right and left to single/double cable chain and vice versa

Automatic machine for the production of double and triple spike chain.
Electronic system OMBI patented pending for the production of right and left links of spike chain.
By an easy command from touch screen the machine automatically changes its setup for the production of curb left or right, and cable single or double.

Automatic machine for the production of cable and curb chain right and left.
Cable and curb chains can be produced in both in single and double version.
Moreover, thanks to the patented electronical plier controlled by a brushless motor, the machine can easily switch from right and left curb chain to single and double cable chain.

\GUF 60 NG
Automatic machine for the production of cable and curb chain right and left.
Possibility to skip from cable to curb left or right automatically and effortlessly just by selection on touch screen.

\GUF 100 NG
Automatic machine for the production of giant curb and cable chain.
Possibility to skip from cable to curb left or right automatically and effortlessly just by selection on touch screen.