Rolling mill machine with carbide rollers

Rolling mill machine with carbide rollers
  • Extreme precision in the lamination with cooled carbide rollersExtreme precision in the lamination with cooled carbide rollers
  • 3 wires venetian chainsRolls system for lateral gauging
  • High precision electronical device for wire coiling High precision electronical device for wire coiling

Particularly suitable to obtain flat wires for production of venetian chain, fox tail chain, etc.

Extreme precision in the lamination and accuracy in the collection of rolled wire.

Patented device for the winding of coming out flat wire with a system of lateral gauging.

Rapid hank extraction system.

Rollers cooling system with extractable chiller for easy maintenance.

Simple changing of wire size.

L90 is complete with:
- multi language touch screen panel with machine controls and diagnostic alarms
- carbide lamination rollers with micrometrical adjustment
- carbide rollers for lateral calibration
- wire tensioning control system
- electronic unit for wire winding
- cooling system with chiller
- automatic lubrication system
- CE certification



machines belonging to the same family

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